Above: These pictures were taken at the Waveland Clock Tower on our night walk...it was totally freezing outside and Chicago lived up to the nickname "The Windy City". Brutal! The kids took their coats off so they wouldnt get wet..the wind was so strong it was crashing white cap waves against the huge cement steps that lead to Lake Michigan and sent the water up spraying like mini fountains. The Night walk was beautiful, I got to see all the gorgeous little gardens between the houses. The architectural details were amazing too. The walk home was bitterly cold especially since they were wet...me I was all snuggly warm in my unfashionable weather proof coat hahahaha.

As we were walking around Chicago's down town, we came across a Bently shop of all things...The sales guys were really snobby, but when all is said and done the fact is they are still just "car salesmen". I didnt even ask to take pictures . Later I was told they say no, so I guess it was a good thing.We wanted to share the pictures with my son sooo that decided it.
The Hershey's Store..we had a lot fun goofing around in there.
Luv'd the party dresses!
Below: The Chicago subway...yep there are definitely some laughable stories there!

The rest are just some random pictures...we actually went to visit my daughters best friend so it was only a one night stay over. It was nice hangout time for me & Kelsey. I had a lot of fun seeing the sights with her, nothing really planned, just casually checking things out. She got all her Birthday money a little early so we could do some power shopping. It was great until the end of the day, when my feet hurt so bad I could barely walk, then I started to get a little cranky. I swear we walked for miles...not just a few either, I mean MILES! We tried to hale a taxi but they were all busy since it was so cold and blustery out. The wind was biting, made our eyes water. We met up with her friend for supper then headed back to the subway...I have to admit that I was mentally cussing up a storm when I saw all the steps I had to climb, and then we had to walk back home... and here I was all prepared with my walking shoes and every thing, lol which totally didnt help.
I only regret that I didnt get the chance to visit some of the knit shops there. I had them all scoped out but missed the opportunity.
Happy (early) Birthday Kelsey <3
Thanks for having us for a visit Matt!