I have found patches of wild strawberries growing in parts of my garden this year & decided to let nature take its coarse with them. The bunnies havent seemed to have found this patch yet so Im keeping my fingers crossed.
I peaked in my back garden the other day and found my that my garden is a total mess. Weed trees that need dug out, an invasive flower that is crazy out of control, trimming to be done ...jeesh what the heck happened back there? Im hoping my son and some of his friends will take pity on me and help me out ( my hubbies fix it answer to all my gardening problems is to mow it down with the lawn mower! Ouch!) Hopefully we will get it whipped into shape and back to its former glory.
Ive finished up another batch of crochet squares for my swaps and am eagerly awaiting my new arrivals. I havent worked on my afghan recently, but have figured out another approach to the project that luck willing will get me the results Im looking for. I was looking through more ripple patterns and came across some other bloggers who have also had problems with the ripple/chevron patterns. In some perverse way it made me feel better to know that I am not the only one. Hopefully karma wont come back and bite me on the butt for that one=)
As soon as I get rid of this nasty bout of flu I will be working out all the kinks in my project or redesigning it. I definitely have the granny square bug so I know that some where in all this there will be a finished project!