I have been making these little lovelies for years. It reminds me of the old time mop caps. They are a perfect gift for a sewer or stitcher. I like to do the same face pattern for these because it is easy, but I switch up the fabrics and accents and come up with a completely different style for each persons personality. Its not an original, I found the pattern in a craft magazine many years ago & loved it so much I've been making them ever since. They are so easy! I still use the first one I ever made, poor thing is all worn. I did give in one time and made a new one for myself...but it sits in the living room as a cute little decoration.
This one however, is for some one special! She is always losing her needles and pins, so I thought it might help solve this little problem before some one sits down and gets a surprise.
If you want to make one you will need:
* terracotta pot (mine was just shy of three inches tall, but no size was listed. These can be found at craft stores all year round.)
* two fabrics...one to make the top of the "hat" (approx.7 inches cut out), and one for the accent yo yo
( mine was made with a 3 inch circle. )
* embroidery floss or thread
* needle
* scissors
* yarn or trim for hair
* ribbon for a bow
* a button or bobble to add to your accent yo yo
* hot glue & glue sticks
* black fine tipped permanent marker (face)
* paints ~ flesh color to paint the pot, your choice color for the heart on the smile, & a color for the cheeks
* paint or foam brush (pot)
* stencil brush (cheeks)
* stuffing
* tooth pick (optional)
To get started, paint your pot flesh color. I like to paint a few pots at a time and store any Im not using so I can just pull one out the next time I want to make a gift. Once the paint is dry, add the "hair". It can be yarn, ribbon, or fringe trims, any thing you can hot glue on. There is a lip around the top of the pot, I just cover that whole thing vertically. If I use a fringe for the hair, I go back and trim it (if needed) when I'm ready to add the face .

I used a paper party plate as a pattern for the larger circle. It measured 7 inches, but you can use any size as long as it covers the top of the pot once its sewn and stuffed. For the large circle, just sew around it like you would a yo yo, but do not knot it yet.( I use three strands of floss for this since I've had threads break on this part before.) Pull your thread to start closing the circle, just leave it open enough to stuff it really good with poly-fil or whatever you like to use. After it is stuffed firmly, pull the thread to close it all the way and knot it.The bottom will be in the pot and wont show. Make a regular sized yo yo in your second choice of fabric and set aside.( I used a three inch circle,but again, you can use your own choice of size.)
Once the "hat" (large circle) is finished, hot glue it on the top of your pot. I put a small line of glue on the top ridge of the pot and a lot of glue at the top of the
inside edge. Quickly position the "hat", sewn side down and just press it on and let dry. It only takes a minute.
Next your ready for the bow of ribbon. You can tie it as big or small as you like, just remember it needs to show under your accent yo yo. Glue your bow on between the pot and hair line, I like to set mine off to one side.
Now we can glue the finished accent yo yo to the knot of the bow, sewn side up this time, and finally the button...center it on your accent yo yo over the hole and glue it on. All the steps with glue are done.
With the black permanent marker draw your face on the pot.You can practice this step on paper first.( I like to wait till I have every thing put together before I add the face, so I can see where I want to place it, but you can do this step any time after your painted pot is dry.)
Add a painted heart on the center of her smile and let dry.( I make three small dots with a tooth pick, sharp end cut off, and then work them together in the shape of a heart,but use what ever technique you are comfortable with. )
With the stencil brush add color to her cheeks.
Note: You want to get a small amount of paint on the brush and then work it on paper until its almost dry... you can practice the application on paper for this step too. You want to get it so it looks like just a bit of blush.
Project done! You should now have yourself one nice looking little lady!
This is my first one...
(Note: If any one knows which magazine this pattern came from I would like to add a link =)