I enjoy looking through old Christmas albums... seeing how those you love have grown & changed over the years, or remembering those that will be missed, but held close to your heart all year round.
Usually, I look through pictures of my kids, but last year I came across some pictures my mom had. This is one of my favorites. My cousin and I visiting the "Talking Christmas Tree" at the Bergner's Dept. store. We did this every year when we were kids. We'd attend the big Christmas parade downtown, go Christmas shopping,do lunch, go to all the big department stores and see the huge Christmas displays in the windows. The stores always used to try to out-do each other.
Now days, the big department store buildings are gone, along with most of the Christmas spirit.
I remember that I couldnt wait for the Christmas season to start. Baking cookies with mom in the kitchen, Christmas caroling, sending out cards, the church Christmas programs, ice-skating, wrapping presents, picking out the candy for our advent ribbons, lots of Christmas movies, school parties and dont forget the pot-lucks with friends. As I get older I appreciate the Christmas memories more and more every year. No matter how hard I try to bring those feelings of Christmas to my family every year it just doesnt seem to work. To much has changed.The simple things replaced with fast paced activities and grumpy shoppers. I miss the good ole days, but we have new traditions for our immediate family now and other Christmas activities to keep us busy during the season. Hopefully my kids will have good memories of their own in a new generation sort of way. Ones that will put a smile on their faces for years to come as they remember their own Christmas magic.
Remember those you love, be kind to those you dont and help others when possible.
Merry Christmas.